The Long Point Ratepayers' Association (LPRA) was established in 1961 for the purpose of promoting the general interest and welfare of the Long Point Community. As an Association, we are also concerned with preserving Long Point’s unique and fragile environment.
The LPRA Executive monitors Municipal, Provincial and Federal Government activities that may impact Long Point property owners on an ongoing basis and is recognized by these Government levels as the official voice of Long Point property owners. We try our very best to keep members up-to-date on matters of concern via e-mails and regular LPRA Newsletters. Items of interest are discussed at the Annual General Meeting held the second Saturday of June each year. Special meetings are scheduled if there is a critical item that needs to be addressed immediately.
One of the benefits of membership includes our Community Watch Program that provides members with a priority call in the event of a break-in or serious damage to their property.
This program operates in close conjunction with the OPP and involves many volunteers.
The LPRA membership encompasses property owners at Long Point, including the Causeway, south from the beginning of the marsh. We invite every Long Point property owner to be a member, where your voice can be heard and opinions expressed. The LPRA can only be as strong as our membership. Please join now!